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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a book summary?
Book summaries should not be confused with book reviews.  Capitol Reader's book summaries are eight-page reports that present you with all the main points, highlights and arguments from a political book.  

Who reads Capitol Reader book summaries and why?
Basically, anyone who wants to keep up on political arguments and information.  Journalists, politicians, teachers, students and anyone actively interested in politics make up Capitol Reader's subscription base.  Our subscribers know how important it is to stay politically informed and they read Capitol Reader summaries to do just that in the most efficient, time-saving manner possible.

Are opinions and commentary included in the summaries?
Only the author's opinion is included in each summary.  Capitol Reader does not offer judgment on the content in each book.  Instead, the ideas, commentary, viewpoints and arguments are presented just as the author has intended in his or her book.  To ensure that the author's opinion is accurately represented, no summary is published without final approval by the book's publisher.

How are the summaries delivered?
Every other Thursday, subscribers are emailed the latest Capitol Reader summary.  These summaries are printer-friendly for your convenience.

How does Capitol Reader choose which books to summarize?
With so many political books published each year, Capitol Reader provides summaries for books that are deemed most important to political observers.  These books normally receive excellent reviews and often break onto the bestsellers list.  However, there are times when Capitol Reader will summarize a book that isn't as well known, but was highly-recommended by customers or trusted colleagues.  Capitol Reader summarizes only the top political books published each year.

Will I want to read the book after reading the summary?
Often times, yes.  Our customers use Capitol Reader as a screening service for political books that are worth buying.  

What if I have already read or fully intend on reading one of the books summarized?
Our subscribers often like to keep summaries of books they have read or fully intend on reading as a way to refer to the main points of the book at a later time.

I'm an author or publisher and I'd like Capitol Reader to summarize my book.
Please contact us at info@capitolreader.com for consideration of your book.

Can I view a sample summary?
Yes, you can access a sample summary from Capitol Reader by clicking here.

How many summaries will I receive?
That depends on the package you choose to take advantage of. Please click here for more details of the various options which are available.

How do I subscribe?
Click here to begin the subscription process.

My company or organization would like to purchase a subscription for our entire staff.
Discounted group rates are available for companies and organizations.  Please contact groups@capitolreader.com for more information.





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