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Save Time and Money with Political Book Summaries

In today's age of information overload, it's extremely difficult to find the time and energy to read the important political books published each week.  Yet, how can you truly stay politically informed if you aren't reading the latest releases?

Political Wire is partnering with CapitolReader.Com to bring you 8-page executive summaries of the best new political books being published today. These book summaries allow you to read the key points and arguments being made by political leaders, satirists, pundits and journalists without spending the time and money it takes to read their entire books.

Not only will you drastically slash your reading time with our summaries, but this service is especially helpful if you like to keep up with what the other side is saying, but you don't want to buy their books.  Capitol Reader is a nonpartisan service and throughout our publication cycle, summaries are alternated by party affiliation.  The summaries do not offer judgment or opinion on the content in each book.  Instead, the ideas, viewpoints and arguments are presented just as the author has intended.

Political Book Summaries save time, save money and save trees.


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